
Monday, May 23, 2022

What are the diseases caused by smoking.

Many diseases are being researched and diagnosed all over the world nowadays. One of these diseases is lung cancer, which is also dangerous. The disease is diagnosed in different ways, but in the United States, the disease is screened through the Initiative. Cellular degeneration of the...

However, cell breakdown in lung testing can save lives.

Every time you smoke a cigarette

toxic gases enter your lungs,

and, at the same time, get into your circulatory system.
When they spread to every organ in your body.

Tobacco is made using a leaf of tobacco

Containing nicotine and assortment of various compounds.

As tobacco and mixtures are consumed,
they release a large number of harmful synthetics,

more than 40 are known to cause disease.

Cigarette smoke contains toxic gases,
carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide,

and tracking statistics

of disease that causes radioactive particles.

All types of tobacco that are available are more harmful.

like biting a cigarette and snuff.

Nicotine is a drug of tobacco.

When a person is addicted to smoking and they inhale tobacco smoke a few seconds after inhaling the blood system Affect

when he begins a happy trend.

That is when you often open your brain to nicotine

it becomes weaker.

In this person you usually feel normal and need more nicotine to get hungry.

Most deaths can occur in anyone who is addicted to cigarettes

People who smoke have a shorter One out of every five slaves in the United States dies from people who hate smoking.

connected to smoking.

In case you smoke your gambling for important health conditions

a sharp drop in blood sugar, including heart disease,

heart failure, stroke, pulmonary cell failure,

also, a decrease due to chronic aspiratory infection.

Heart disease is more common in people who smoke Whenever nicotine passes through your adrenal glands,

stimulates the arrival of epinephrine.

A chemical that raises your blood circulation stress.

In addition, nicotine and carbon monoxide

may damage the cover of internal dividers in your supply routes.The shops that sell and buy oil are called plaques Injury areas can also progress،

moreover, it becomes large enough to limit the channels

in addition, it significantly reduces blood flow

to bring about a condition called atherosclerosis.

In the same situation with coronary course infection Atherossteosis reduces cardiac examination.

which reduces the supply of oxygen to your heart muscle,

increase your gambling to get a heart rate.

Smoking in addition raises your risk of developing blood clots

as it makes the platelets in your blood come together.

Smoking increases your risk of vascular disease,

where atherosclerotic plaques

block large passages in your arms and legs.

Smoking can also cause aortic aneurysm of the abdomen.

Which is an enlargement or deterioration of your aorta

as it passes through your region.

When a person is addicted to cigarettes and smokes regularly, it damages two important parts of their lungs.
The way humans used to fly It is made of cobronkel cylinders, as well as small air bags.

in addition, small air sacs are called alveoli.

With all the spirit,

to bring about a condition called atherosclerosis.
moreover, it enters your lungs through your bronchial cylinders.

The air, at the same time, travels to a larger amount of small alveoli.

When oxygen enters our circulatory system or carbon dioxide, it leaves the aforementioned circulatory system،

Scales like small hairs called cilia

bronchial cylinders

in addition, remove unsafe substances from your lungs.

Cigarette smoke disrupts the cover

your bronchial cylinders,

they swell and form body fluids.

Cigarette smoke also slows down the development of your cilia

making part of the smoke and body fluids stay in your lungs.

While at rest part of the cilia recovers

moreover, start pushing more toxins

in addition, body fluids are expelled from your lungs.

Whenever you wake up your body tries to remove this thing

by repeated robbery.

A situation known as hack of smoker.

After some time, persistent bronchitis develops

as your cilia stop working.

Your flight paths are covered with scars and body fluids

also, breathing becomes difficult.

Your lungs are no longer able to help themselves in dealing with further infections.

Cigarette smoke also damages your alveoli,

making it difficult to get oxygen and carbon dioxide

trading your blood.

In time, too little oxygen can get into your bloodstream

to improve emphysema.

A situation in which you have to breathe each breath

in addition, wear an oxygen tube in front of you

to rest.

Prolonged bronchitis and emphysema are completely called

progressive tuberculosis or COPD.

COPD is a continuous loss of rest

which is not a fix.

Cigarette smoke contains

less than 40 cancer-causing agents,

to calculate cyanide, formaldehyde, react with aromatic salts.

In your body, strong cells grow,

make new cells, meanwhile, kick the bucket.

The amount of material that is found inside a cell is called DNA

directs this connection.

Smokers should stay away from synthetic compounds as it is toxic to them and has damaged DNA in human audio cells.

Ideally, your cells are not damaged

make new cells unfortunate.

What an outgrow control

also, it may spread different parts of your body.

The most common disease in the world is pulmonary embolism,

there are more than 1,000,000 new cases regularly reviewed.

Unsafe compounds made from tobacco

can cause bad growth in different parts of your body,

like blood and the bones,

mouth, throat, throat, stomach,

pancreas, kidneys, bladder, uterus and cervix.

Smoking can cause infertility in all kinds of people.

In the event that a woman is pregnant and smokes during pregnancy,

opens the door to dangerous tobacco products for her child

causes the worst gambling of low birth weight.

Anwar said advocate

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